31313 News! Got a nice update for you today! Mike Jensen Drone Sniper’s 3D print images, Final images of Christophe Desse’s L’Estafette, and Manchu Steam Car update!
Mike Jensen’s Drone Sniper »
Before you’ve heard the shot, you’re already dead. The 1/8 scale Drone Sniper print is done and ready for casting. The print looks amazing and if all goes well with the casting quote, it’ll be our most affordable large scale figure yet, which is the goal for our 1/8 scale figure line.
Preorder Starts: 3.20.2013
Shipping: Late April 2013
Price: TBD (sorry, but soon!)
Click here to get a Drone Sniper Notify Me email.
Manchu’s Steam Car »
Philippe Bouchet, aka Manchu’s 1/35 Steam Car is just about ready for production. The figures, modeled by Pedram Karimfazli, are complete and look great in the car. We should have a final, color render of that soon. Meanwhile, here’s a shot of the Steam Car and Figures separately. Preorders start in April 2013!
Christophe Desse’s L’Estafette »
Here’s the final images of Christophe Desse’s 1/35 L’Estafette w/figures (included with kit!). Of note are the new rims. After some feedback and research of wire rims done with photoetch, we realized that it’s difficult to design, (not really a problem for us) difficult to cast as we wouldn’t want to split the wheels in half like more PE/Resin wire wheels do for 1/35 motorcycles so would mean each wheel would have 5-6 parts that would have to fit PERFECTLY and resin shrinkage is always a problem, and difficult for the average modeler to do correctly the first time without needing extra wheels (why most 1/35 motorcycle kits don’t have wire wheels as the default). So what we’re going to do is have the wheels be 4 cool dieselpunk mag wheels, with two optional hubcaps for the rear wheels. We may do an optional set of wire wheels if there’s enough interest. Let us know!